Ketamine-Assisted Psychotherapy (KAP) at Gateway to Solutions 

Ketamine Assisted Psychotherapy, also known as KAP, has been a groundbreaking treatment modality for people seeking relief from symptoms and historically has been treatment-resistant. While the FDA has approved ketamine since the 1970s, we see it more commonly used in medical settings such as hospitals/emergency room settings for pain relief and anesthetics. I’m sure you’ve also heard of ketamine being used recreationally as a common party drug to prompt an increase in senses, typically within a nightlife setting. Ketamine has also been studied through clinical trials and is known to alleviate symptoms of depression, anxiety, PTSD, bipolar disorder (depressive type), OCD, and suicidal ideations. As an effective psychedelic, ketamine directly affects the brain to enhance neuroplasticity by forming new brain connections, has an anti-depressant effect, and allows for a critical window of opportunity to promote responsiveness to change. When ketamine is paired with therapy, clients have experienced breakthroughs in their treatment, which injects hope for a life worth living.

Gateway to Solutions, a trusted provider of ketamine-assisted psychotherapy for eight years, has recently partnered with Journey Clinical for a seamless and collaborative KAP experience. Our team of experienced therapists and medical professionals is dedicated to providing you with the highest quality of care and support throughout your journey with us.

How to know if you’re eligible :

  1. Must be 18 years or older.
  2. Must establish a therapeutic relationship.
  3. Most effective for anxiety and depressive conditions
  4. All existing medical conditions must be stable.
  5. Uncontrolled substance use disorder is ineligible.
  6. Contraindicated psychiatric disorders are ineligible.

Ketamine-assisted psychotherapy at GTS is available in-person, teletherapy, and hybrid, though determined based on established therapeutic alliances and existing mental health/medical conditions.

What you can expect:

Preparation Session 

This session with your therapist will discuss the flow, goals, and how to prepare for your first dosing session. There is typically one preparation session for existing clients and about three for new clients. These preparation sessions set the stage for the dosing session by understanding the importance of set and setting. “Set” or mindset is essential for having a valuable experience. One may engage in increased self-care leading up to their dosing session. Clients are encouraged to explore a mental framework that may help ground them through the dosing session. The setting will also be explored to ensure a comforting, safe, and meditative environment. At GTS, you can expect to be in our therapy office with dimmed lights, be comfortable, wear an eye mask (optional), and listen to a curated playlist of your choice. You will be given a notepad and pencil to sketch or journal through the dosing session. In preparation for the dosing session, you are discouraged from eating for a few hours before to limit any potential side effects. You will be encouraged to bring a snack to enjoy after the session has concluded while you wait for your chaperone to accompany you back home.

KAP Dosing Session

You will bring your prescribed dose of ketamine to the dosing session. The dosing session, which is different from your typical therapy session, will be extended by 2-3 hours. When you arrive, you and your therapist will engage in typical greetings and a review of safety protocols. Your vitals will be taken and once cleared, you will self-administer your oral lozenge of ketamine for 10-12 minutes, being sure not to swallow the lozenge. Your therapist may also instruct you to take the prescribed booster dose. After a few minutes, you will discard the ketamine lozenge, and the effects of the ketamine will begin. The ketamine typically lasts for about 45-60 minutes, during which your senses may be heightened, and you may feel dissociative. Your therapist ensures your safety and provides the therapeutic container for your inward journey. Potential side effects may include nausea, for which you are also prescribed Zofran to reduce feelings of nausea. Your therapist will continue to monitor your verbal and non-verbal cues and take note of your experience. This session may feel less like active therapy and more like a passive meditation. Once your ketamine experience has concluded, you will have a brief overview with your therapist to discuss the experience and conclude the dosing session. Your vitals will be retaken, and you will be encouraged to enjoy your snack in the waiting area as you await your chaperone home. You are not encouraged to commute home alone or take public transportation (subway) post-KAP.

Integration Session

Within 48-72 hours post-dosing session, you will have a follow-up integration session with your therapist. Neuroplasticity is at its highest during this window, making it the most crucial time to process insights from the dosing session. The integration session will focus on processing, expanding, and associating meaning to the ketamine experience, working to gain clarity and shift perspectives. You may expect heightened feelings of liberation, openness, love, hope, and faith as your journey toward self-actualization is enhanced. You can explore a few prompts: “What messages am I receiving from my mind, body, and emotions? Is there anyone or anything I’m feeling called to connect with? What parts of myself do I feel more aware of?” While this session will feel more like an active therapy session, a few challenges may arise. Challenges may include processing unexpected feelings or previously suppressed memories, a desire to make drastic life changes, or splitting with your clinical team. All challenges can be approached and resolved with your active engagement in therapy. About three integration sessions are recommended, though this will be determined between you and your therapist post-dosing session.


The beauty of KAP is even one full round of prep, dosing, and integration can be life-changing. Other clients may maximize the benefits of KAP by working it into their treatment plan with a fixed frequency (weekly, monthly, every 4-6 weeks). The flexibility to implement KAP as an additional resource makes it a highly desired form of treatment. While the benefits of KAP are undeniable, ketamine treatment in the field of mental health is still considered experimental. It does not lead to a permanent cure for mental health diagnoses. Think of KAP as an additional tool to alleviate symptoms of mental health conditions, such as depressed mood, fixated thought patterns, irritability, suicidality, perceived fears/threats, rigidity, feelings of guilt/shame, mood dysregulation, etc. Ongoing KAP sessions may reduce the relapse of symptoms. Your mental, emotional, and physical safety, along with the therapeutic process, is of utmost importance when pursuing ketamine-assisted Psychotherapy at Gateway to Solutions. The agreed-upon consent form will review emergency protocol, confidentiality, your selected chaperone, movement during the KAP session, use of physical touch, use of scents, disposal of the ketamine, and your right to withdraw from treatment at any time. We are confident in providing a beautiful KAP experience on your journey to your most actualized self. Welcome to the world of KAP!

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