Staying Busy This Summer? How & Why to Stick to Your Therapy Goals Now More Than Ever

For many, summertime represents a time to rest, reflect, relax, and reset. Between busy schedules, travel plans, and family visits, it can often be tempting to want to “take a break” from everything during the summer months—including self-care and therapy sessions. For others, it simply feels like too much to be able to stick to personal goals when day-to-day structures and routines are thrown for a loop.

Despite the rush of the summer months, it’s crucial not to let it overwhelm you in the long term. Now more than ever, it’s important to continue prioritizing your well-being and working towards your goals amidst the summertime bustle and liveliness. By doing so, you can feel reassured and confident in your ability to navigate the challenges of the season.

Why might we want to drop off from therapy in the summer?

You are not alone if you find it challenging to stick to your normal routine and regular therapy sessions. Many people find it difficult to make time for therapy or to settle into the benefits of their sessions in the summer months, often for several reasons:

  • Your schedule is too busy, and carving out the time between obligations feels difficult.
  • You have multiple trips or social plans booked that make it hard to be home and present for sessions.
  • You notice you are “feeling better” now that the sun is out, and you are getting more social interactions.
  • You are feeling a distance from your typical stressors or triggers since your schedule isn’t as consistent right now.
  • Between expenses for travel and activities, you need help to afford weekly therapy sessions.
  • If you do teletherapy, it is hard to find privacy in your home between more visitors around and/or kids not in school.
  • When you get into the “summer vacay” mindset, throwing caution to the wind is easy.

Do any of these sound like you? Your experiences are completely normal – because you are human. In a busy world, taking care of ourselves amidst all our other obligations can be incredibly challenging. When you find yourself slipping backward or having trouble progressing toward your goals, assess your circumstances and consider how investing in yourself may help you align with your long-term hopes for your future.

Why is it important to stay focused on our goals in the summer?

 For many, the allure of summer activities, sunshine, and social events can momentarily distract us from our larger stressors or concerns for our well-being. However, by maintaining your self-care and wellness goals, you can avoid the potential drawbacks of neglecting them. Regular or modified therapy sessions can be valuable in managing acute needs and working towards your long-term growth goals, providing a sense of stability and a space for problem-solving.

  • Managing the Impact of Unstructured Time: Depending on your unique way of managing change and volatility, missing your routine can take a toll on your mental & emotional wellness in more ways than one. Regular therapy sessions can add a sense of stability while providing a space for problem-solving if you find it difficult to cope.
  • Managing the stressors of a packed schedule: Stress can feel heightened for many in the summer months. Work with your therapist to seek stress management skills, find ways to set boundaries, prioritize obligations, and understand your underlying mechanisms for managing stress.
  • Navigate anticipated triggers around family reunions, travels, and more: Summer often means more time spent with family or other social circles, which brings its own unique stressors to many people. If you experience social anxiety or have a history of challenging family dynamics, work with your therapist on ‘coping ahead’ for potential triggers. Coping ahead involves identifying potential stressors and developing strategies to manage them before they occur, which can help reduce the impact of these triggers on your well-being.
  • Address body image concerns: As the weather gets warmer, it is understandable that many people feel challenged with body image concerns, comparison traps, and negative self-talk. You and your therapist can work together to cope with thoughts & beliefs tied to your self-image while working to get you in a place where you can feel confident “you.”
  • Address increases in loneliness and FOMO: Research finds that many adults experience an uptick in loneliness during the warmer months, and one study reported that 75% of young adults experience “FOMO” (Fear of Missing Out) at any given time. If you are experiencing loneliness, lean on support systems to address those feelings and seek growth opportunities.
  • Curb surges in substance use and impulsivity associated with summer: Summer months have been identified as a risk factor for the initiation of an increase in substance use. For young adults specifically, substance use sees an uptick in the summer between an influx in social activities, lack of structure, and social expectations around substances. Whether you have concerns about substance use or are maintaining your sobriety this summer, your therapist can help provide support and accountability in a season of “peer pressure.”
  • Prepare for the end of summer and “business as usual”: Anticipating the return to “normal” after a hectic summer can bring its own challenges, which your therapist can help you address in advance depending on your personal needs.
  • Embrace proactivity while your circumstances feel lighter: Feeling better this summer? That’s great! Use your increased mood to your advantage and consider focusing on the more challenging topics or stressors tied to your therapeutic goals now that you are not in “crisis mode.”
  • Protect your progress, and don’t disrupt the process: Your long-term goals do not stop with the summer. Lean on your therapist as your accountability partner to ensure you continue working toward your personal growth while also preventing regression or relapse. Remember: consistency and engagement are key to getting you to the life you want to live!

How can we stay focused on therapy goals between summer travels & busy schedules?

If you are finding it hard to maintain regular therapy sessions or adhere to your growth goals between sessions, express your concerns with your therapist so that you can collaborate to find a realistic and sustainable approach to your needs. Potential considerations include:

  • Ask about biweekly sessions or flexible scheduling, if appropriate.
  • Consider telehealth or hybrid sessions when your schedule is less consistent.
  • Set SMART goals for yourself to keep progressing between sessions.
  • Communicate your scheduling needs and expectations with your therapist if you foresee frequent challenges.
  • Work with your therapist on exploring time management needs, if appropriate.
  • If your goals have evolved, realign your treatment plan with your therapist to ensure that sessions better suit your current needs.
  • Between therapy sessions, seeking accountability from loved ones and yourself is important. This can involve scheduling regular activities, practicing self-care, setting a routine, and prioritizing your time. By doing so, you’ll feel supported and encouraged, knowing that you’re actively working towards your goals.

Lastly, permit yourself to “feel good!” Therapy sessions can be positive, too, and you can use this season of sunshine & warmth to reinforce growth, build long-term habits, and sustain self-care year-round. Pat yourself on the back for making it this far, and don’t forget to keep going after what feels right for you!

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