Leadership and Career Coaching
A step-by-step approach to help you explore all possibilities while considering all risks.

Preparing for a Job and Career Change

The time has come for a career or job change. You wish to switch careers or jobs and it’s the only thing on your mind these days. Bored, fired, low pay or high ambition, there are any number of reasons for a career change. First things first! Don’t fret. A change is not as bad these days as it was made out to be in the olden days when there were fewer options for employment. But now, with highly paid jobs available and new skills that can be learned over a few months, things have changed drastically.

Many people have given up seemingly secure banking, government jobs etc and have opted for software jobs, creative jobs and even freelance options. All you need then is a bit of courage; a dash of self-belief and some clarity of thought and you can join the band of people who have successfully changed careers.

Whether you are preparing for an expected job or career change or an unexpected change, GTS is prepared to assist you with:

  • Emotional support during this exciting and often stressful time
  • Strategic preparation guidance to help manage risks
  • Interest assessments
  • Skill assessments
  • Personality assessments
  • Creating and evaluating a strategic job search methodologies
  • Creating a personal portfolio: cover letter, resume, interview preparation, and salary negotiation coaching
  • Severance package negotiation
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